Sanilac County Board of Commissioners mourn the loss of fellow commissioner

(SANILAC COUNTY) — Jim Ruby was on the mind of everyone in attendance during the Sanilac County Board of Commissioners meeting Tuesday afternoon. The former District 4 Commissioner passed away suddenly this past weekend and his absence did not go unnoticed. Prior to the start of the meeting, attendees and commissioners had the opportunity to reflect on their memories of Jim. His chair was draped in black, which will remain until another person is appointed to fill the remainder of his term. During the meeting, Bruce Potter and Gene Burgess were honored for their many years of service to Flynn Township and its residents as trustee and supervisor. Commissioners appointed John Groustra of Lexington Township to a partial 3-year term on the Community Mental Health Board. Louise Blasius and Scott Franzel were appointed to both 3-year terms on the Planning Commission. In other business, the board unanimously approved a resolution opposing the Michigan Veteran Trust Fund Regional Model Pilot. The model, if implemented, would replace the county committees with a virtual application process with no physical interaction with the veteran applying for assistance. A copy of the resolution will be forwarded to State Senator Phil Pavlov and State Representative Paul Muxlow.

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