Governor Rick Snyder visits Sandusky

(SANDUSKY) — The Governor was in Sandusky Tuesday. Governor Rick Snyder made the fourth of ten stops at the communities selected for the Rising Tide Program. The program, sponsored by the Michigan Department of Talent and Economic Development, allows the state to work with local leaders as they develop new strategies for economic growth. City officials say the program has started helping revamp Sandusky’s master plan and zoning laws. Future developments that could benefit from Rising Tide include a proposed non-motorized path that would run along M-46 at the west end of town. Several city, county, and government officials were on hand Tuesday to hear from the governor and also discuss overall needs. One of the issues brought up was the challenge to attract and retain a young workforce. The nine other communities chosen for the program are Newberry, Central Lake, Grayling, Evart, Harrison, Charlotte, Paw Paw, Hillsdale and River Rouge.

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