Third Cros-Lex school board member resigns

A third member of the Cros-Lex board of education has resigned within the past 15 days. Long-time board member and current vice-president Linda France resigned Friday. Prior to her time on the school board, she served the district as a teacher for more than 30 years.
The board will appoint three residents to fill the remainder of the terms of France, John Sprowl and Laurie Ebner on Tuesday, September 20th. Those who are interested in serving on the school board until the November 6th election can send a letter of application to interim superintendent Charles Smith. The letter must be received by 3pm this Thursday, September 15th.
With 4 members left, the board can still vote on matters. Ebner and France were two of the four board members who were targeted for recall in the November election. Sprowl did not file to run again. France’s resignation is the eighth in the district in the past three months.
The turmoil began in May when principals Ryan Cayce, Mark Benson, and Collette Mody resigned under pressure because of lapses in their certification. After public outcry, Sprowl asked for and received the resignations of superintendent Julie Western and curiculum director Anne Wood.

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