Sanilac County Clerk Denise McGuire has announced that efforts to recall two Cros-Lex school board members have ended. Cynthia DeView, on behalf of the “Cros-Lex Citizens for Change”
group withdrew the recall petitions on Monday afternoon.
An initial effort to recall board members Linda France, Lyle Clarkson, Laurie Ebner, and Katie Gordon was rejected last month because of unclear language. New petitions were filed, and a clarity hearing had been scheduled for this Thursday. That hearing has now been cancelled.
In the past two weeks, Ebner and France, along with board president John Sprowl have resigned. In a statement released by the “Citizens for Change” group, it was noted that while all of the board members played a role in the district’s turmoil, Clarkson and Gordon did not back-date documents or participate in negotiations that cost the district nearly $800,000. It was also stated that the recall election would have cost the district $12 to $15,000.
Eleven residents have filed to run for seats on the board of education in the November 6th election.