Local organizations take part in active shooter drill

With a focus on ensuring the safety of residents, visitors, patients and staff, five local organizations recently hosted a “full scale drill” on August 23rd to prepare for a serious emergency situation. 
The Sanilac County Sheriff’s Department, Sandusky City Police, Sanilac County Emeregency Manager, McKenzie Health System, and Sanilac Medical Care Facility were supported by staff from the Region Three Healthcare Coalition in the mock drill.
In the drill, an actor portraying an active shooter/violent intruder entered through the main door of the Sanilac Medical Care Facility, moved to the parking lot between the facility and McKenzie Health System, and then entered through the Outpatient doors. The “shooter” was quickly stopped at the Nurses’ station, and all participants convened for a safety-focused debriefing.
To facilitate a realistic environment, the date and time of the drill was not released to staff or the public until that morning.

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