Road project begins this week in Marlette

(MARLETTE) — The East Marlette Street road resurfacing and sidewalk ramp improvement project is scheduled to start this Thursday. 
Motorists are reminded that there will be milling and paving of East Marlette street from Main Street to Municipal Drive. Sidewalk ramps from each road intersection within the project will be removed and replaced to conform to Americans with Disabilities requirements. There will also be some minor curb work.
Weather permitting, the project should be completed by the end of this month. During the construction, East Marlette street will be open to traffic, however during the milling and paving the road will be reduced to one-lane with flagmen directing traffic. Minor delays are expected when traveling the route during construction hours. There will be access to side roads and driveways during the project which is made possible through a Michigan Department of Transportation grant program that will cover 80% of the construction cost.

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