Missing Tuscola County boy found

(TUSCOLA COUNTY) — It was a happy ending to what could have been a tragic situation in Tuscola County. 
Undersheriff Glen Skrent says a 3-year old boy was reported missing on Tuesday afternoon in the 6000 block of Sheridan Road in Vassar Township. Every available Tuscola Sheriff’s deputy along with Vassar and Millington police, DNR, and the Michigan State Police troopers, canine and helicopters joined in the search. The dive team was also on standby as there was a pond nearby.
About a half-hour later, the child was found by Deputy Nitz about a half-mile from his home. The child suffered just a small scratch. He was wearing only a shirt when found, but it is believed the boy partially undressed himself when he went outside.
The Tuscola County Sheriff’s office expressed their appreciation to everyone who responded to assist. Undersheriff Skrent says no one had to be asked to respond…they just did.

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