(SANILAC COUNTY) — A former police officer running for Sanilac County Sheriff has filed a slander lawsuit against his opponent–incumbent Sheriff Garry Biniecki. Challenger Jim Wagester filed the lawsuit Monday in Sanilac County Circuit Court. In it, Wagester accuses Sheriff Biniecki of causing him emotional distress and damaging his reputation after Biniecki allegedly made a defamatory comment about Wagester to area residents. The lawsuit claims that in November 2015, Sheriff Biniecki allegedly told members of the community that Wagester is “mentally unstable and will go on a shooting spree someday and kill people.” Sheriff Biniecki says the accusations are completely false.
“Undoubtedly it’s politically motivated, and I want to say in no uncertain terms that the lawsuit is without any legal merit, and we’re going to allow the courts to resolve this,” Biniecki commented Tuesday.
Wagester is seeking $25,000, plus court costs and interest from Biniecki. He has also filed a motion to change the venue to a different county due to Biniecki’s position as Sanilac County Sheriff. Biniecki says that he has yet to be served, but once he is the matter will be referred to a county attorney.