Voters to have their say Tuesday

(Sanilac County) – Voters across the county go to the polls tomorrow to determine not only the future of our next President, but also to have their say on local and county matters. Sanilac County Clerk Denise McGuire said there are two school districts with school board races, numerous village and township races for boards along with three county races. In Greenleaf Township, voters will cast their votes on a one mill, four year fire protection millage along with requests for a one mill, three year road renewal and a new road millage of .5 mills for four years. In Worth Township, voters are being asked to approve a new road millage of one mill for two years. Deckerville school district voters will decide the outcome of a 20 mills for five year operating millage. Countywide, there are races for Sanilac County Sheriff as former sheriff department member James Wagester challenges Incumbent Garry Biniecki, Dan Dean’s spot on the Sanilac County Board of Commissioners is being challenged as are seats on the Sanilac County Road Commission. Live coverage of results will air on WTGV 97.7 FM beginning at 8:00 p.m.

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