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Water rates questioned in Marlette

(Marlette) – At their last meeting, the Marlette city council heard concerns regarding the debt service on resident water bills and the consent agreement that was signed several years ago. Council instructed City Manager Corey Schmidt to look in to the matter, as well as the amount residents are being charged on their bills and see what, if anything, can be done. The city manager said residents currently pay between $35 and $55 for the Debt Service portion of their bill.
In other news, Schmidt informed council that although work is behind schedule, the Carpenter Street road project is continuing and expected to be completed in the near future. He expects the roadway to be open to motorists sometime next month. The $50,000 project will connect the east and west portions of the roadway and be coated with a crushed millings surface.
The city manager told council a parcel in the city’s Industrial Park is being sold. Schmidt said the current owner of one of the parcels no longer wishes to own it and has worked out an agreement with RCA Trucking to purchase the property.
In order for the transaction to be completed, the city had to sign off on sale documents. The Industrial Park has five lots, all owned privately. Schmidt said there are three new businesses there and one, MVP Disc Sports completed a 25,000 square foot expansion.
Council also gave their approval for maintenance work to be done at the Waste Water Treatment Plant in the amount of $7,800. Equipment within the plant is to be painted as part of a preventative maintenance program

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