—-UPDATE – WED. NOVEMBER 30 – A request for a recount of the Presidential Election in Michigan has been filed and Clerks in the state’s 83 counties are beginning the process of organizing the effort. Sanilac County Clerk Denise McGuire intends to utilize 10 two-person teams to manually recount the paper ballots. Law mandates the recount be finished by December 13.
(Sandusky) – County Clerks and Election Officials in Michigan are waiting to see if there will be a presidential recount. Sanilac County Clerk Denise McGuire said the State Canvas of the election was held Monday and the results were certified, starting a 48 hour window for someone to request a recount. That makes the deadline late Wednesday afternoon.
In the meantime, McGuire and local clerks throughout the area, have tried to plan for such a recount and the personnel needed to complete the task. She has a scheduled conference call with State officials late Tuesday afternoon to get more specific details.
For a recount in Sanilac County, that means re-counting all of the votes in 31 precincts, over 19,000 ballots in all. Similar numbers are to be counted in Huron and Tuscola counties, should there be a recount.
McGuire said the most labor and time intensive method is counting by hand, as opposed to running ballots through the tabulators again.
It is not clear if officials would be just counting Republican, Democratic and Green Party candidates or all of those candidates in the presidential race. The Green Party has talked about recounts in Michigan and two other states.