On behalf of the Sanilac County Community Mental Health (CMH) employees, Jim Johnson, Executive Director of Sanilac County CMH, was pleased to present a check in the amount of $575.75 to the Board of the Caring Hearts Health Clinic located at Marlette Regional Hospital. Pictured with Mr. Johnson are Board members Sue Cook, Sherryl Potter, Joyce Frye, Joann Wrubel and Tom Fritz. This program provides health care services to uninsured and underinsured in Sanilac County.
The money donated by CMH employees is obtained through their “Casual for a Cause” fundraiser. CMH employees are allowed to dress casually every other Friday in exchange for a $3 dollar donation to the “Casual for a Cause” fund, with the understanding that the money would be donated towards initiatives that benefit citizens of Sanilac County. CMH has an internal committee that helps to identify and select recipients quarterly.
Former donation recipients include the Sanilac County Humane Society, Eva’s Place, CPS Project Blessing, , Thumbs’ Up for Kids, United Hospice Service, Building Ties’ Walk to Remember Committee, Deckerville Project Blessing, the Sanilac County Child Advocacy Center, Countryside Free Methodist Church’s Raise the Roof project, the BCups program of Marlette Regional Hospital, The Blessing Garden, the Prevent Cancer Foundation, the Salvation Army, ISD Autism Walk, Shop With a Hero, the DHHS Christmas and Backpack Projects, HDC Walk for Warmth, Sanilac County Veterans’ Administration Solder Relief Fund, Sanilac County 4-H, Lexington Project Blessing and Sandusky Lion’s Club Toys for Kids.