Road commissioners hear report from Minden

Road Commission members heard from Minden Township
Road Commission members heard from Minden Township

Following three road projects in the township this fall, Minden Township Supervisor Terry O’Connor addressed the Sanilac County Road Commission board members Tuesday. He presented the board with a detailed report of each project in an effort to keep transparency between the township board and it’s residents.
O’Connor said he feels the more communication that is done, the better it will be for everyone. Taxpayers were kept informed of the progress of each project with a newsletter. Minden Township has implemented a new policy that will continue this project for each project done in the future.
The supervisor also asked the road board about their position of the on-going situation with liquid manure haulers throughout the county. County officials said they have been meeting with haulers, dairy farmers and townships to develop a plan of road maintenance and to try and minimize dusts issues.
O’Connor cautioned the board to be fair and diligent on all of their ordinances and polices and not pick and choose which ones they address. “This is a very ugly topic up by us (northern Sanilac County). It’s really getting out of control, trying to handle this,” he said. He pointed out to commissioners, grain haulers are just as at fault, both with the dust problems and damage caused to the roads at certain times of the year.
In other road commission news, staff reported 26 miles of primary roads were resurfaced this year while another 44 miles are planned for 2017. Additionally, 2,300 tons of limestone have been spread on Fischer Road, in an effort to improve the roadway following the installation of the new waterline from Lake Huron to Flint.
Commissioners also approved the purchase of a new truck to add to their fleet, at a cost of just over $128,000. Engineer Robb Falls said the truck should arrive within the next three months. He said they were able to secure the new purchase at the 2015 prices, something they have been able to do for the past few years.

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