The Sanilac FFA Booster and Alumni board will be breaking ground this week on a new “Miracle of Life” birthing barn at the Sanilac County fairgrounds. Previously housed under a large tent, the popular attraction will have a permanent home to allow visitors to see livestock animals up close and personal. The project is a cooperative effort between students of the Sanilac FFA and the members of the FFA Boosters and Alumni.
The exhibit allows visitors to witness on-site baby-chicks being hatched along with baby calves, baby colts, baby pigs and other baby animals being born during the week of the fair.
The 70 x 90 foot barn is hoped to be completed by early spring. The Sanilac FFA Boosters and Alumni are working to raise the funds and are over 50% of the way to their goal. For more information, or to donate, call 810-648-4700/Ext. 4238.