Not so fast; Recount on hold

(Sandusky) – After much publicity about a potential massive recount in three states, including Michigan, President-elect Donald Trump may be throwing a wrench into the recount after all. Sanilac County Clerk Denise McGuire said she received notice from the State Board of Elections today that the recount effort has been put on hold. State officials are anticipating Trump to file an objection
According to McGuire, Trump has seven days to file an objection of the recount request that was filed Wednesday by Dr. Jill Stein. The county clerk said  the recount, including when it would happen, is in limbo, or if it happens at all. She has been in constant contact with the state and expects to get further direction sometime Friday.
The State Board of Canvassers would meet to determine the next step, if Trump files the objection. They would then notify the state’s 83 county clerks how to proceed, or if the recount is totally cancelled. McGuire said she has stopped all planning of manually recounting more than 19,000 ballots from 31 precincts in the county and said it could take days to implement the recount, should it move forward. She anticipates an answer from the State yet this week.

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