Negotiations continue between the City of Sandusky and two bargaining groups. At their meeting Monday evening, council members heard an update on talks with city workers and also with the police department. Three year agreements have been discussed as well as compensation packages for employees. Negotiations will continue next week.
In other council news, new water bills will be in the mail for Sandusky residents in a couple of weeks, according to City Manager David Faber. The city is in the process of implementing a new software program that allows the billing to be done on a full sheet of paper and allows residents more privacy to their balances and to monitor their usage. A newsletter, updating residents on community events will be included in the mailing.
Council members heard an update of the Sandusky Airport from councilman Nort Schramm. He said the airport board is pursuing the construction of eight to ten new hangers at the facility. Schramm said there are currently 26 hangers rented out, with a waiting list of those who would take advantage of additional hanger space. Estimated cost of the project is between $325,000 and $425,000 with low-interest funding available from Rural Development.