The Sanilac County Board of Commissioners gave their approval to the reclassification for 14 county employees, after a recommendation from Administrator Kathy Dorman Tuesday afternoon. The move will cost a total of $18,000, with a third of the money going to the Animal Control Officer and the Public Guardian Clerk. Dorman said the county worked with the Michigan Municipal League in determining the survey results and making the recommended increases.
Commissioners also heard a report from John Frazier, a member of the County Parks and Rec board regarding the 5-year plan that is required by the state. He said they must file the plan with the state to continue receiving funding used for improvements countywide. Frazier pointed to recent updates and development of Evergreen Park as being among the largest beneficiary of the state funding. Part of the report includes a plan on how the county will be compliant with the ADA requirements in 20% of the park system
Discussion has been held on developing Delaware Park in the northeast part of the county, but Frazier explained instead of the original million dollars that was believed to be needed, new costs have escalated to three million. He said if a decision was made to develop the park, it would need to be done in phases, due to higher costs.
Also at the meeting, Commissioners acknowledge Audrey Stolicker, Mike Meissner and Orville Hooper for there years of service to the community. Stolicker steps down after 42 years as Clerk of Deckerville.