Marlette applying for sidewalk grant

Work on Carpenter St in Marlette is nearing completion and should be open to traffic in two weeks, according to City Manager Corey Schmidt. City council took action at Monday evening’s meeting to make the street part of the city’s street infrastructure, a formality required to complete the project. Schmidt said the $49,000 reconstruction work may receive additional improvements next fiscal year, if council decides to pave the road.
In other council news,the city is working with local schools to develop a plan to improve sidewalks leading to local schools as part of the federally funded Safe Route to School initiative. Schmidt said a meeting between school and city officials will be held later this month to determine how to proceed with a potential grant. The three schools, the Marlette high school and middle school and Our Savior Lutheran, are all eligible for funding with the program.
Schmidt said while each of the schools are eligible for $200,000 each, he anticipates, if approved, they would receive between $200,000 and $400,000 total .The grant application is expected to be made in April with awarding later next year, If approved, work would be done in 2018.

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