Worth Township officials spoke to members of the Sanilac County Road Commission board this morning, seeking input on ways to best spend funding that was recently approved by the township’s 4,000 residents. Supervisor Phil Essenmacher said it was quite an accomplishment to have the two year millage approved and suggested road grading, culvert work and dust control as some possible projects. However, he also told the board residents don’t feel they are getting a fair shake when it comes to maintaining township roads. Essenmacher feels future success of millages such as the one passed last fall depends largely on what work is done, “to gain the confidence of the residents” again.
Board Chairman Ron Gerstenberger told the Worth contingent he was happy to see them at the meeting and that they have a vision, because that was not always the case with previous township officials. Essenmacher questioned the board on their snowplowing practices on M-25 that runs through the township and felt the residents are not getting a fair amount of services based on what they pay in taxes.
Road Commission staff said county workers are doing the best they can to plow and salt nearly 2,000 miles of county roads. High traffic volume driving on wind-blown snow was noted as being among the causes for the icy roadway along Lake Huron. There are 23 assigned drivers to trucks and six grader operators covering the county. Falls said if any driver is out due to sickness or vacation, they are short that many drivers.