Deckerville superintendent to retire next year

The Deckerville school board will begin the process of looking for a new Superintendent after Tricia Pawlowski announced her intentions to retire in September of 2017. Pawlowski, who has been in the Deckerville education system since starting as a teacher in 1992, said she felt now was the right time to step down and wanted to give the board time to begin their search.
Having served the district as superintendent since 2010, Pawlowski said she has enjoyed her time at Deckerville, but is ready to move on to new challenges.
In other board news, approval was given for a new digital sign that will be placed where the old one currently sits. Supt. Pawlowski said the sign costs just under $13,000 with approximately half of the money being donated by the Class of 2015, the PTO and Athletic Boosters. Delivery is expected sometime early next year.

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