Pro-Israel Christians blast Kerry speech

NETANYA, Israel (AP) – A leader of the group Christians United for Israel is blasting Secretary of State John Kerry’s criticism of the Jewish state’s settlement building on occupied territories.
CUFI Director David Brog says Kerry’s speech comes after the Obama administration let the U.N. Security Council pass a resolution that would even place the Western Wall, Judaism’s holiest site, under Palestinian control.
Noting the horrific bloodshed in Syria and Iraq, Brog says. “With the world on fire, this man lives in a dream world.” He says most members of Christians United for Israel believe that the modern Jewish state is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy.
Looking ahead to the change in administrations, Brog says he hopes President Trump will move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and will consider cutting off U.S. funding for the United Nations.

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