Roof found competent to be his own lawyer at sentencing hearing

CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) – South Carolina church shooter Dylann Roof has been ruled competent to stand trial and to act as his own attorney.
U.S. District Judge Richard Gergel made the determination Monday after a daylong hearing. Roof was also granted an extra day to prepare for his sentencing hearing.
The same jury that found Roof guilty of 33 federal charges will now return to court Wednesday to begin weighing if he should be sentenced to life in prison or death for the June 2015 slayings of nine black people at a Charleston church’s Bible study.
Roof is set to act as his own lawyer during sentencing. Gergel on Monday ruled that Roof cannot approach witnesses or the jury during court. He’ll also be sitting in a chair farthest from the jury and victims’ family members.
The 22-year-old has said he plans to introduce no evidence and call no witnesse

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