Police dismantle meth lab

(Port Huron Township) – Thanks to a tip from a citizen, a methamphetamine laboratory was located and has been dismantled in Port Huron Township. According to St. Clair County Sheriff Tim Donnellon, the citizen called in what he believed to be a methamphetamine lab about 5:00 p.m. Sunday. Deputies responded to the Avoca Trail, west of Range Road, where the lab was located.
Members of the St. Clair County Drug Task Force were called to dismantle the lab and clean up the site. Police said there were enough components and materials located to complete at least three methamphetamine labs.
Sheriff Donnellon said he was thankful that a citizen took the time to get involved and call authorities. He is requesting anyone who sees any type of suspicious activity along the Avoca Trail, or any other location, to contact the Sheriff’s Office at (810) 985-8115.
Police do not have any suspects connected to the meth lab at this time.

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