Tuscola County Sheriff Glen Skrent is asking members of the community to consider volunteering to serve on his victim services unit. Sheriff Skrent said the number of people serving on the unit has dropped and more people are needed. The unit, which was formed in 1996, is a group of volunteers who make themselves available to help victims of major crimes or other serious life-changing incidents in the first hours after the incident.
The three major roles of victim services unit advocates are to provide immediate comfort and to help victims, to make referrals to appropriate agencies and services according to need; and to serve as a go-between for the victims, their families, scene officials, and emergency service providers.
Advocates take turns being available 24 hours a day. Sheriff Skrent noted that currently, advocates are signing up for a week at a time, so more volunteers would lighten the load.
If the sheriff’s office or other first responders in Tuscola County requests a response to a scene, two advocates are required to respond. Types of situations advocates are typically called to include, domestic and sexual assaults, homicide, suicide, natural deaths, natural disasters, missing persons, drownings, auto or recreational vehicle accidents and other catastrophes as needed.
Sheriff Skrent noted that advocates make initial contact with victims and families and place a follow-up call, but are not counselors and will not be involved in a long-term relationship. In situations where there is a death, advocates may accompany deputies to the residence. The officers will make the death notification and leave when deemed appropriate. The advocates will remain with the family and help contact other family members, clergy, neighbors, friends, and may assist in making initial contacts with the funeral home. Advocates usually remain with the family until an adequate support group is in place.
Sheriff Skrent noted that background checks are done on all victim services unit advocates and they are provided with training through the Michigan Sheriff’s Association before they are able to respond to calls. Many volunteers have been victims themselves and understand the need for support through a crisis that can feel overwhelming at times.
Anyone interested in volunteering or looking for more information about the program should contact the Program Coordinator, Nancy Almberg, at Tuscola County Victim Services at (989) 673-8161 ext. 2241 or email tcvs@tuscolacounty.org.