Sandusky hires new DPW Superintendent

The City of Sandusky has a new DPW Superintendent. Council voted to promote city employee Matt Harris to the new position at their meeting Monday night. Harris, who has been responsible for the city’s Waste Water station will now oversee both the water plant and the DPW department. City Manager said the newly created position eliminated having a superintendent soley at the water plant. Harris will start with a base salary of $49,000 annually, plus benefits, once both sides sign the three-year agreement.
In other council news, the city entered a 20-year agreement with Scott McKechon who will build a 80×180 facility at the city airport. He will offer mechanical repairs to aviators, storage space for jets and heated hangar space for rent. It is expected the facility will cost between $700 thousand to $800 thousand dollars to construct.
McKechon will pay the city a monthly lease of $100 per month with the city acknowledging the new facility will help promote the city and the airport.

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