Marlette Regional Hospital recently hosted an Employee Appreciation Banquet honoring staff that have given many hours of service to the organization and to our communities. Pictured above are retirees that were honored for their years of service (seated left to right): Helen Salas, Bonnie Hoolsema, W. Caroline Kinney, Elise Kelly, and Deborah Baldwin
Marlette Regional Hospital Honors Employees for Years of Service
Each year, Marlette Regional Hospital (MRH) hosts an Employee Appreciation Banquet to honor exceptional employees that have dedicated many hours of service to the organization. At this year’s banquet held on March 11th in Imlay City, MRH recognized employees that have given a combined 588 years of service—a tremendous amount of service time!
Each day, MRH marvels at the wonderful care our staff provides to our patients and residents, and MRH extends its thanks to these employees for the years of service and dedication that they have given for the betterment of the organization and for the people in our communities.
Honored for three years of service were the following employees: Karen Anklam, Cynthia Baker, Jamie Becker, Cecil Byrnes, Angela Clarkson, Michael Dreyer, UHP Board of Directors, Kimberly Duff, Judy Ferguson, UHP Board of Directors, Shelli Greschaw, Joseph Kazmierski, Dr. Daniel Kulick, Roger Loding, UHP Board of Directors, Christine Mandeville, Larry Mitchell, UHP Board of Directors, Brooke Moore, Madeline Pringle, Al Stoutenburg, UHP Board of Directors, and Judy Waghorne.
Employees honored for five years of service included: Brenda Bolsby, Todd Boswell, Ann Bower, Susan Bridenbaugh, Katelyn Cummings, Lorri Davio, Mary Hicks, Glen Kampman, UHP Board of Directors, Tammy Katt, James Singles, and Jessica Tracy.
Honored for ten years of service were the following employees: Jeremy Beatty, Patricia Dyer, Cynthia Hampton, Connie Kennedy, Ernestine MacDonald, Rhonda Mahaffy, Barbara Peake, Deborah Rhyndress, and Lori Stump.
Employees honored for fifteen years of service were: Robert Fields, Lori Griffee, Jennifer Hodgkinson, Mary Kage, and Barbara Morse.
Honored for twenty years of service were the following employees: Heather Boyne, Terrence Gallagher, Dorothy Martus, and Cynthia Sadowy.
Honored for twenty-five years of service was employee Penny Kasdorf.
Honored for thirty years of service was employee Cynthia Kopacz.
Honored for thirty-five years of service were employees Penny Ruchgy and Deborah Sherman.
Retirees that were honored included: Deborah Baldwin, Susan Broughton, Virginia Heckman, Bonnie Hoolsema, Elise Kelly, W. Caroline Kinney, Katherine McCafferty, and Helen Salas.
For more information about Marlette Regional Hospital and career opportunities, please visit