Peck school voters say yes, Huron County voters have their say on wind

There was light voter turnout in both Marlette Township and the Peck school district as voters went to the polls yesterday.
In the Peck school district just over 17% of the registered voters overwhelmingly passed a school millage issue. A bonding proposal for $3 million in bonding authority passed by a margin of 276 yes votes to 36 no. The money will be used for building renovation and upkeep, and technology upgrades. District residents will not see a tax increase, as the millage replaces an expiring bond.
Meanwhile, 20% of the registered voters in Marlette Township approved a zoning amendment that will provide more comprehensive regulations for windmills. The issue passed by a narrow margin, 137 yes votes to 120 no votes.
Elsewhere, in Huron County, voters had their say on several issues. According to the County Clerk’s office, voters said no to the Huron Wind LLC Overlay District in Sigel and Sherman Townships by a margin of 1,934-1,120. Voters in Bloomfield, Dwight, Lincoln, and Sigel Townships also turned down a wind issue, voting no to the DTE Overlay District by a vote of 1,923-1,110.
Sand Beach Township voters approved the Sand Beach Township Wind Energy Conversion Facility Overlay Zoning Ordinance 413-80. Lincoln Township voters approved creating a Planning Commission 174-124 while in Port Austin Township, voters rejected a proposal to construct a township hall by just three votes, 220-217.
Paris Township voters said yes to a millage renewal for road improvements through 2020 by a vote of 60-19.
Unofficial election results from Tuscola County show Almer Township voters saying no to the approval of the Almer Township Zoning Ordinance to amend the regulations for wind energy conversion systems 287-234.
In Vassar, school district voters turned down the Vassar Public Schools bonding authority request of nearly $20 million dollars for the purpose of erecting, furnishing, and equipping an addition to a school building along with other improvements 1,140-937.

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