Sandusky Opening Day a success; Start of a new season

The Sandusky Youth Athletic Association held their annual Opening Day festivities, beginning with the parade to Doerr Field from Maple Valley School. The procession traveled down Speaker Street and finished at the ball fields, filled with spectators

Martin Brown

Martin Brown, age 93 of Sandusky, passed away Monday, May 22, 2017.

Brown City streets to see improvements

Brown City will be performing street crack filling next week in an attempt to get the most out of their city streets. According to City Manager Clint Holmes, the streets being

Buckle Up – they’re watching!

(Area) – The annual two-week long “Click it or Ticket” campaign is underway throughout the state of Michigan. Deputies from the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Office and law enforcement officers statewide will be stepping up efforts to

Marion Kohler

Marion Kohler, age 91 of Brown City, passed away Sunday, May 21, 2017.