For the last several years, Huron County’s north shore has become a popular kayaking destination. Sheriff Kelly Hanson said the county’s waters have also been the scene of many emergency situations involving kayaks, which includes near death experiences and unfortunately death.
Kayakers are strongly encouraged to understand how easy it is to be overtaken by hypothermia as water temperatures are only in the mid to upper 50s. Kayakers also need to know their physical limits while kayaking, along with understanding exactly what type of sea conditions their kayak can take.
Hanson explained the near shore southerly breezes can also leave a false impression of favorable boating but the further you go offshore, the waves and currents do increase and it does become difficult to return. He stressed, under no circumstance should anyone venture out without a proper fitting life jacket. The most common causes of death in kayaking accidents are overturning or falling overboard.
The Sheriff noted, sadly enough in those instances, the majority of kayakers weren’t wearing life jackets and drown. Hanson said his department further recommends besides having a life jacket and proper attire, that kayakers at least carry a cellular phone in some type of water proof container.
One other very important safety precaution from Hanson is to take is always let someone on shore know where you’re going and when you’re supposed to be back.
Many enjoyable summer time memories have occurred on the water in kayaks.
Don’t risk allowing a tragic situation to unfold simply because safety was taken for granted.