First it was Neil Kohler landing the Brown City schools Superintendent’s position. Now, Garnett, his younger brother by three years, has been selected to be the next principal at the Marlette Jr./Sr. high schools. Garnett has been in the Yale school system for several years.
Marlette schools Superintendent Sara Barratt confirmed to WMIC that pending school board approval Monday evening, Garnett Kohler will be hired as the district’s new Jr/Sr high school principal.
Kohler has taught in Yale while establishing himself as one of the top boys basketball coaches in the area. Barratt said the school received 30 applications and interviewed six people for the position, stating, “we are all very comfortable with the choice. He is going to be a great addition to the district.”
Kohler, with board approval will receive a two-year contract. Former principal Anne Wood is retiring after this year.
Meanwhile, in Brown City, newly named Superintendent Neil Kohler said the process of finding the next high school principal is moving along.
Posting for the high school position closes later this week and he expects to review applications next week.
Kohler said to date, the district has received 23 applications and more are coming in this week.
Kohler is the older brother of Garnett Kohler and said the past 10 days has been an exciting time in their family.