Safety Town teaches children valuable lessons

(Yale) – Police officers, firefighters, and St. Clair County Homeland Security and Emergency Management staff volunteered to review safety rules with  children at Safety Town Monday in Yale.
The VFW and the Yale police department hosted the first time event with good results. Visitors saw a miniature town, set up on mats and complete with street signs, railroad crossings and pop-up police and fire stations. Children learned fire safety, pedestrian safety, home safety and gun safety.
Safety Town volunteers covered duties of law enforcement in the community and how to act around strangers. Children had the opportunity to drive four-wheeled bikes and learning to obey traffic signals to wrap up the session.
According to county officials, Safety Town is organized by the St. Clair County Youth Readiness Council, a part of St. Clair County’s Homeland Security and Emergency Management. Along with learning safety, it was also a time for volunteers to work to display the various roles as a positive influence in their communities.
Safety Town was sponsored by several St. Clair County organizations including the Community Foundation of St. Clair County, WGRT, Lake Huron Medical Group, Hamzavi Dermatology and Semco Energy Gas Company.  Safety Towns are scheduled for 10 a.m. July 26 and Aug. 22 at Birchwood Mall. The session at 6:30 p.m. on Aug. 30 at Lakeport Wesleyan Church is filled according to organizers. The events are free and designed for 5- to 8-year-olds. To register, call (810) 989-6385 to register.
For more information on St. Clair County’s Homeland Security and Emergency Management, visit For more information on the St. Clair County Youth Readiness Council, visit Both organizations can also be found on Facebook.

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