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Worth Township closer to sewer project

The Worth Township sewer project, estimated to cost nearly $42 million dollars, took another step forward Tuesday afternoon when the Sanilac County Board of Commissioners approved USDA a series of five bonds worth just over $31 million dollars.
While the funding will be dispersed through the County, bonding lawyers at the meeting said Worth Township is solely responsible for the funding and repayment, not Sanilac County.
Single home property owners will be assessed approximately $15,000 to be paid back in 40 years, at an interest rate of 2.5%. Township Supervisor Phil Essenmacher said he expects the project to get underway sometime in October.
In related news on the project, there will be a public hearing to discuss the special assessments on Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Worth Township.
Sanilac County Drain Commissioner Greg Alexander said the specific amounts of the assessments will be made available at that meeting.

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