Although the idea of additional revenue from bed rentals in the Sanilac County would be used to help pay off the jail building project early was pitched to the public prior to construction, the Board of Commissioners voted Tuesday to divert the $170,000 to the unfunded retirement debt beginning with the new budget year.
County Administrator Kathy Dorman and Commissioner Dan Dean each pointed out the fact that a previous board had agreed to use the additional revenue from bed rentals to pay off jail bonds quicker. Commissioner Dean said if the $170,000 additional payment continued, the project would be paid off in around 25 years instead of 40.
According to county officials, $170,000 additional has been paid annually, along with the regular $300,000 payment, to pay off the $8 million dollar jail debt. Following the vote, which passed 4-1, the extra funds generated from bed rentals will be used to begin paying on the $12 million dollar retirement fund debt. Commissioner Dean was the lone dissenting vote.
In other news from Tuesday’s Board of Commissioners meeting, Economic Development Corporation Director Carl Osentoski gave an update on regional activity, noting Cros-Lex schools and the Sanilac County ISD have been awarded grants for software programs.
The two grants were part of 10 awarded in the Thumb region. Ostentoski also said restoration work on the Cadillac House in Lexington is finally progressing and the developers intend to have the popular business open by Memorial Day.
Additionally, the EDC is in the initial planning stages of working with Worth Township and Huron Incorporated officials to improve a portion of Mortimer Line Road, making it a Class A road, to allow for truck and employee traffic.