Two Sanilac County suspects arrested


Ernest Cooke (left) and Steven Cook Jr of Sanilac County have been arrested for B&Es.
(KIMBALL TOWNSHIP) – St Clair County Sheriff Deputies have arrested two Sanilac County men as a result of an investigation into suspected Breaking and Enterings.
After observing activity near a pole barn on Wadhams Road in Kimball Township around 3:30 a.m. Wednesday morning, Ernest Cooke, 27, of Lexington and 33-year old Steven Cooke Jr.of Croswelll were taken into custody.
Deputies observed a vehicle pull into a driveway and park near a pole barn. The vehicle left the driveway a short time later and the Deputies initiated a traffic stop. Subsequently, the pole barn at the location where the vehicle pulled into was found broken into, with items removed and placed near the road.
Following their arrest, more related breaking and enterings of pole barns were reported in the same area later Friday morning. Police believe the suspects are responsible for those breaking and enterings as well.
Further investigation, showed both subjects were involved in numerous breaking and enterings in multiple jurisdictions within St Clair and Sanilac Counties.
The two were arraigned on various charges related to breaking and enterings Friday afternoon and are currently lodged in the St Clair County Jail.

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