UPDATE – 2/12/18 – In a second letter mailed to district parents, Sandusky Superintendent Paul Flynn said he has received the results from the Michigan State Police Crime Lab regarding an incident at the Sandusky Elementary school January 30th. School officials and local police removed a fourth grade student from the building, after they discovered what they believed to be an illegal substance. However, MSP Crime Lab technicians said the substance was not illegal, rather it was ground up Zantac pills. School officials continue to use their discipline policy to deal with the student.
UPDATE: (12:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY) – In a related statement from Sandusky police, Cheif Brett Lester confirmed the student involved is 10-years old but would not say what grade the student is in.
Lester, who confirmed the substance to be a illegal white powdery substance, said the student was turned over to his parents and Sanilac County DTF agents went to the families Carsonville area home to conduct a search for illegal drugs.
The Chief further stated St. Clair County DTF agents performed a raid on a Port Huron home late Tuesday night, in connection with the school incident.
Police are preparing a report that could include charges of illegal possession
(Original Story) – Sandusky school administration and local police are investigating an incident at the Sandusky Elementary School late Tuesday afternoon involving alleged drug related materials. Superintendent Paul Flynn sent a letter to inform all parents in the district of the incident:
Dear Parents of Sandusky Community Schools Students,
Yesterday (Tuesday January 30th), there was an incident at the elementary involving the
possession of a controlled substance.
As soon as administration was notified of the situation,
an investigation quickly led to the confiscation of the substance, and the local police were also
Due to the quick action by other students to say something, and the work of the administration,
counselor, and police, we believe that at no time was any student in immediate danger. As
the investigation continues outside of the school, we will continue to support local police as best
we can.
Details of an investigation cannot be revealed, and federal law (FERPA) protects all students
and families from release of privileged information.
In this age of instant information, Sandusky Community Schools will continue to inform parents
of situations in a timely, and complete manner, and will continue to provide a safe learning
environment for all of our kids.
We encourage you to speak with your children and remind them
if they see something that they know or think is wrong, to say something.
Paul Flynn
Flynn would not confirm the grade of the student, believed to be a fourth grader, and would not say what the drug was, or if it was in pill form or powder substance. It is also unclear what the alleged intentions of the student was.
The Superintendent did say the student has been suspended from school, pending possible further action by the school district and by the court system. Administration learned of the incident around 3 p.m. and Flynn said there was no need to lockdown the school, due to the time of day and the school day being almost over.