Hammer-wielding man enters churches; tells attendees to repent

(PORT HURON) – St. Clair County sheriff deputies and Port Huron police are investigating a 27-year old Port Huron man that has allegedly entered five different churches in Port Huron and in Port Huron Township, armed with a hammer and interrupting church services.
According to Port Huron police, Ryan Shands entered the churches carrying a hammer January 28th, telling those in the service they need to repent and attempts to preach his own message. He was arrested Thursday, February 1st.
Griswold Street Baptist, Bridges Church on 4th Street, the First Presbyterian Church on Wall Street and Colonial Woods on Pine Grove Avenue were among the churches targeted.
Shands is facing multiple charges, including Disturbing a Religious Service and had bond set at $25,000. He is due back in court February 12th.
Police continue to investigate the incidents.

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