Sanilac Board of Commissioners debate pay level in Treasuer’s Office

Commissioner Sarkella
The Sanilac County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday afternoon and debated the merits of what wages would be for a new position in the Treasurer’s Office. County Treasurer Trudy Nicol asked Commissioners to approve a wage scale for a Chief Deputy in her department at an amount different than was recommended. Chairman Dan Dean cautioned board members a process was in place where an independent outside firm gives recommendations for wages.
He said to deviate from that would undermine the system established. However, after a motion was made by Commissioner William Sarkella and supported by Commissioner Bob Conley, the board voted 3-1 to set the pay for the position one grade level higher, translating to a $1,900 increase.
In other Board of Commissioners news, Administrator Tara Griffith told Commissioners there could be a 14% increase in healthcare costs for the County. Griffith said she spoke with representatives from the insurance company who advised her of the increase.
Another meeting is scheduled for later this month and Griffith intends to seek approval for bids to make healthcare costs for the County more competitive.
The issue of medical services for the Sanilac County jail was on the agenda for the Board of Commission Finance meeting Tuesday, but was withdrawn from the agenda at the start of the meeting by Finance Chairman Gary Heberling.
He did not say why it was removed, but the Sheriff’s Office provided information to the board showing bids being sought for medical services.
One vendor, Advance Corrections Healthcare, submitted a complete bid of just over $286,000 while McKenzie Health System’s combined bid was $10,000 higher.
Jail Administrator Lt. Nick Romzek had written a letter to the board recommending the selection of Advance Corrections Healthcare. The board took no action on the matter.

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