Tanker Pickup Crash

Sanilac County Sheriff deputies were called to the scene of a two vehicle accident involving a pickup and a fuel tanker around noon Monday on M-53 south of Deckerville Road in Evergreen Township. According to police, 58-year-old

Caro Man Found Guilty

A Tuscola County jury found a 60 year old Caro area man guilty of six charges last week, stemming from an attack on his wife that turned fatal earlier last year. Among the charges, William Williams was

Sandusky Police Had a Busy March

Sandusky police were busy in March, handling 273 incidents including 69 traffic stops where 43 verbal warning were issued. Police Chief Bret Lester reports 24 people were arrested, 19 of those were adults. City officers responded to

Unused Drugs Collected in Marlette

Marlette Police Chief Brian McGinnis reports nearly 10 pounds of unused prescription medication has been collected in the Prescription Drug Drop Box located at City Hall. McGinnis said the drugs collected are medications that will not find