Sanilac Board of Commissioners Vote to Purchase New Patrol Vehicles

During their Finance meeting Tuesday afternoon, the Sanilac County Board of Commissioners voted to purchase four patrol vehicles for the sheriff department at a cost of more than $150,000. Formal approval is expected at the next Board Meeting April 30th. Signature Ford had the winning bid of about $30,000 each, $1000 dollars more than local dealer Tubbs Brothers. Another $32,000 will be spent outfitting the vehicles with emergency equipment.
Commissioners also voted to recommend approval of McKenzie Health System as the provider of healthcare services for county jail inmates. Sheriff department officials had sought bids for services and although another firm was $10,000 less in their quote, commissioners decided to continue services with the local emergency center. Jail Administrator Lt. Nick Romzek had recommended the county switch and accept the low bid in a cost saving measure.
In an effort to get all county employees on a level playing field for wages and benefits, commissioners also agreed to have a benefit issue moved on to the next regular meeting for approval. Once the final ok is given, 17 employees connected with the TPOAM union will receive two-person healthcare benefits with the option to purchase family coverage. Previously, the employees only received one-person with options for two-person or family coverage. Chairman Dan Dean said while it means additional cost to the county, it may help retain employees with more competitive wages and benefits.

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