Sanilac County Road Commissioners heard the pleas from township officials and have readjusted their formula for sharing state funding. At their meeting earlier this morning, commissioners agreed to adjust the County’s share of work to 25%, up from 17% while the townships will now pay 75% of any work done, instead of 83%. Engineer-Manager Robb Falls said the change was already in the works, prior to township officials questioning the issue at last month’s meeting. The increased rates are good through the end of 2018 when county officials will re-evaluate the formula.
In other Road Commission news, the board gave approval to lease two new Road Graders and but back a third one that is coming off a leasse. The two leassed machines will cost $7,600 dollars a month while the purchase of the used machine is around $125,000. Commissioners also approved the purchase of two new wing plows at a cost of $20,000.
Work on Deckerville Road, from M-25 to the east village limits, is expected to get underway Monday. The work, estimated to cost around $853,000 dollars, includes an overlay of asphalt on over seven miles of road and the widening of the road an additonal two feet, making Deckerville Road 24 feet wide. Construction is expected to take up to two weeks, weather permitting.