Four suspects arrested following Breaking and Entering

Police investigate incident

(WHEATLAND TOWNSHIP) – Sanilac County Sheriff’s Deputies Ron Edington and Jordan Katt were dispatched to an alarm in the 5000 block of Brady Road in Wheatland Township early Monday morning, after receiving a report of a B&E.
Upon arriving on scene, the deputies were able to determine a B&E of multiple storage buildings had in fact occurred.
While investigating the scene, Deputies located an unoccupied vehicle parked in a field driveway near the buildings in question. Deputies checked with the property owner and determined that the vehicle did not belong on the property.

According to Sgt. Mike Moore, additional units were called to the scene to secure a perimeter and St. Clair County was contacted for K-9 tracking assistance.
While on scene St. Clair County’s K-9 and handler were able to track down two suspects in a cornfield surrounding the property that was broken into.
A third suspect was apprehended approximately a mile away from the scene.
The fourth suspect was apprehended about six hours after the original call, when he called to make a report of his vehicle being stolen.
All four suspects have been arraigned in Sanilac County District Court on charges of Breaking and Entering and Conspiracy to Commit Breaking and Entering.
Two of the suspects, a 28-year-old and a 24-year-old are from Avoca. The other suspects are a 29-year-old from Croswell and a 27-year-old from Applegate.
All four suspects have bonded out and are awaiting future court appearances.

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