Sandusky Police Chief releases statement on incident

Chief Brett Lester

The following is a press release from Sandusky Police Chief Brett Lester regarding the Officer involved discharge of a firearm Thursday evening:

Suicidal subject with a gun

On 7-04-2019 at approximately 7:35pm the Sandusky Police Department was dispatched to a residence for a suicidal subject with a gun. While enroute to the call, the subjects wife called 911 a second time and reported her husband had a gun and was leaving in their vehicle. Sandusky Police Officer Jeremy Crisenbery located the suspect vehicle and attempted to initiate a traffic stop. The subject refused to stop and a pursuit was initiated by Officer Crisenbery.
The subject fled east out of the City of Sandusky and drove approximately one-mile. The suspect attempted to turn south onto Stringer Rd. but was traveling too fast to navigate the turn. The suspect ran off the roadway and crashed into a steep ditch on the southeast corner of the intersection. Upon approach to the vehicle, Officer Crisenbery observed the suspect exit the vehicle possessing a shotgun.
Officer Crisenbery advised dispatch the suspect was being held at gun point and was refusing to drop the gun. A shortwhile later, Officer Crisenbery advises dispatch of shots fired and that it is unknown if the suspect had been hit. At that point, the Sanilac County Sheriff’s Office, Michigan State Police and the Deckerville Police Department arrived on scene and were able to cover the suspect at gun point as well.
The suspect still had his shotgun and continued to load rounds all while ignoring officers verbal commands to drop the gun and move away. After several minutes, the subject was attempting to get to his feet but was unable to due to injuries he sustained in the crash and he then fell to the ground and dropped the gun.
At that point, police were then able to quickly approach the subject and take him into custody without further incident. The suspect, a 65 year old Sandusky man, was transported by Sanilac Ambulance from the scene to the McKenzie Health Systems in Sandusky and was accompanied by the Michigan State Police.
Chief Brett Lester of the Sandusky Police Department requested MSP to handle the Officer Involved Shooting. MSP Detectives were contacted and responded to the scene to investigate the incident. The suspect was treated and eventually released from the hospital and lodged at the Sanilac County Jail.
“I’m very glad Officer Crisenbery went home safe last night to his family and the suspect is in custody. Rural communities and small towns are not immune to dangerous situations. We just have fewer officers and fewer resources when they happen. We have a tough job for sure but we’re dedicated to serve and protect.
I’d like to thank all the first responders that responded to assist and that have reached out to us with support. I would also ask that you keep everyone involved in this incident in your thoughts and prayers.”
Chief Brett Lester
Officer Crisenbery is a 17 year police veteran, 10 years with the Sandusky Police Department. He will be on paid administrative leave as is standard practice until the conclusion of the investigation.
The Sandusky Police Department was assisted on scene by the Sanilac County Sheriff’s Office, Deckerville PD, Peck PD, Croswell PD, Sandusky Fire Department, Sanilac Ambulance and Michigan State Police.
Authority: Chief Brett Lester

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