Sanilac County Emergency Manager gives storm assessment

Last weekend’s storm has caused lingering power failure throughout Sanilac County, and Sanilac County Emergency Management Director Todd Hillman said while portions of the county did not sustain any damage, others were impacted severely. Hillman said the hardest hit areas were Marlette Sandusky, Carsonville, Croswell and Lexington. He said Emergency Dispatchers put out a countywide warning prior to the storm, advising people to seek shelter immediately, but would not comment on a situation in Croswell where a parade went on, regardless of the warning. People were allowed to remain on the streets to watch the parade, despite the warning to seek shelter by emergency dispatchers.
Hillman, who also serves as the Sandusky Community Fire Department Chief said his department responded to 21 calls in the aftermath of the storms, all due to downed power lines. He said damage in town was widespread, with a number of trees and limbs being knocked over by straightline winds. A portion of Morse Street remained blocked off as of Tuesday morning due to a large tree that took power lines down. The National Weather Service said there were no tornados in the storm, only straightline winds.

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