Sanilac County Road Commission meets

The Sanilac County Road Commission meeting was attended by several representatives from the subdivision area of Worth Township Wednesday morning. The group was looking for answers and assistance in regards to drainage issues unrelated to the recently completed $42 million dollar sewer project. Road Commission officials agreed to meet with the representatives and investigate possible solutions including new drain tubes. Commissioner Randy Horst told the group the road commission can only work in their right-of-way area, due to insurance concerns. Drain Commissioner Greg Alexander also attended the meeting and said his department has no legal right to be involved with the issue because residents have not petitioned the State to make it part of the County Drain system.
In other road commission news, Engineer/Manager Robb Falls reported two bids had been received for the paving project on Ruth Road from the north village limits of Deckerville to the County Line. Falls said the bid, for just over $1.3 million dollars, was nearly 5% under the estimated cost of the nearly 11 mile project. The southern portion, from the south village limits to M-46 was completed earlier this month. Work is expected to be done sometime next year, according to Falls.

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