Carsonville-Port Sanilac administrators and a small audience heard details of a possible bond issue next spring that, if successful, would mean $2.7 million dollars for the district, and no additional tax dollars for district taxpayers.
Superintendent Doug Muxlow presented information that showed as a result of a current bond going from 3.7 mills down to 3.3 mills, the district can capture the nearly $3 million dollars with a successful bond campaign.
Muxlow outlined some of the district’s major needs including technology and infrastructure improvements. Some of the big ticket items included roof repairs on the district’s two buildings, costing approximately $865,000 dollars and around 4400,000 dollars in technology upgrades.
In addition to the big ticket items, school officials will also consider improvements to the athletic program including replacing bleachers that are currently in deteriorating condition and nearing condemnation. The school’s track is also in need of improvements as well as district parking lots.
The district currently has a sinking fund millage that was approved in 2016 that generates around $100,000 annually and is due to expire in 2021.
As only a point of information, Muxlow pointed out if the school board decided to pursue the idea, the sinking fund millage could also be voted on in May, giving the district two ballot issues that if approved, would generate around $3.2 million dollars.
Muxlow said school officials will be attending a pre-qualifying meeting with the State of Michigan Treasury Department January 10th and have until then to determine what exactly would be requested on a ballot, possibly in May of 2020.
The school board will be making final decisions at upcoming meetings and presenting their plan to the State at the January meeting.