12-year old Sandusky boy hit by vehicle

SANDUSKY – A night of fun collecting candy during Halloween took a tragic turn in Sandusky Thursday evening.
A 12-year old Sandusky boy was struck my a moving vehicle as he attempted to cross W. Sanilac Ave. (M-46) near Lamotte St. Investigators say witnesses stated the young pedestrian waited for an east bound vehicle to go by and then ran across the road, not noticing the west bound vehicle.
The driver of the west bound vehicle was a 30 year old Sandusky man.
The boy was transported to McKenzie Health Systems and later transferred to Hurley Hospital in Flint where he is listed in critical but stable condition. Police say low light and weather conditions were contributing factors in this incident.
The driver was not listed as at fault and alcohol was not involved, according to police.

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