William Scott Elsholz
Friends and Family are invited to attend the Memorial Service for William Scott Elsholz on
Sandusky girls off to 2-0 start
The Sandusky Lady Redskins improved to 2-0 beating Lakers 50-37 Friday evening. Score by quarters was: SHS 12 12 13 13 50 Lakers 14 12 2 9
Authorities search for missing 44-year old
12/09/19: UPDATE 3 P.M. Police have found the body of a 44-year-old Tuscola County man, three days after his vehicle was located submerged in a water-filled ditch near Unionville last week. According to authorities, the man’s body
Police give shooting update
(SANILAC COUNTY) – The Sanilac County Sheriff’s Office continues its investigating into the
Mike Stebbins, 56
Mike Stebbins, age 56 of Romeo, passed away Friday, December 6, 2019.