Sanilac County Drain Commissioner responds to criticism from commissioners

The Sanilac County Board of Commissioners have been questioning practices and policies of the Sanilac County Drain Office and Drain Commissioner Greg Alexander for the past several weeks. At Tuesday’s meeting, Alexander fired back at Commissioners, namely Commissioner Joe O’Mara, who has consistently doubted and questioned the Office’s activites. In a two-page letter to Commissioners, Alexander pointed out the fact he is bound to follow State Law as laid out in Drain Code, saying the Board of Commissioners have no legal oversight of the finances of the drainage districts. Additionally, Alexander pointed out Board-adopted policies cannot contravene Michigan law. Commissioners have repeatedly attempted to try and control portions of the Drain Office, including requiring Request For Proposal bids of proposed work.
In other Board of Commission news, Commissioners ratified three-year contracts with three bargaining units within the Sheriff Department including the Police Officers Association of Michigan Deputies, Command Officers and Dispatchers. Employees will receive 5% over three years including 1.5% this year followed by 1.75% increases in years two and three. Other incentives are included in the new pacts iincluding shift prememiums and sick day pay. The new contract is effective January 1, 2020 and expires December 31, 2022.

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