Sanilac County Sheriff Gary Biniecki Not Seeking Re-Election

Sanilac County Sheriff Garry Biniecki announces that he will not be seeking re-election for the Office of Sheriff at the end of his current term. Having been elected to three terms as Sheriff and serving the Citizens of Sanilac County for more than 44 years at the Sheriff’ s Office, he feels it is time to move on to new challenges. “We have accomplished much of what we set out to do and it has been a pleasure to see it come to fruition”, stated Sheriff Biniecki.
Some of our key accomplishments over these three terms are areas such as; the Jail Addition and Renovation Project, where health and safety issues for staff and the inmates were addressed and remedied. This major accomplishment was done through teamwork and without burdening the taxpayers for the debt, by creating a larger revenue source thru the Federal Bed Rental Program. Sanilac County has also experienced a reduction in crime, credited to our staff and innovative ways to fight crime. Over the past several years we have written and been awarded multiple State and Federal Grants, with several million dollars’ worth of equipment and technology grants coming back into Sanilac County.
Sheriff Biniecki stated, “There are a lot of very dedicated, hard-working people serving our citizens, from Administration, Records, Jail Staff and load Patrol, to our many volunteer groups, all striving every day to make a positive impaGt in the community we serve. I know I will leave the Office of Sheriff in very capable hands, with a challenge to carry on with the Mission.
At this point in my life I hope to focus on some personal goals. To start with, I’ve been informed that there is a very long honey- do list of things to do that I apparently have neglected over the years! Spending time with family will also be a priority along with exploring. My wife and I have always wanted to go to Patagonia, not to mention that Lake Huron still has hundreds of undiscovered shipwrecks to locate and explore.
In closing, what I want everyone to know is how grateful I am for all their support they have shown over the years. I never thought I would live this dream, so Thank You Sanilac County for all the memories. They make us who we are and I for one won’t forget any of you. And for whomever steps up next and hits the home run. There is a quote out there “I shall either find a way, or make one”, and I think Hannibal gets that credit. Give this Administration the credit for doing just that”!

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