The Deckerville fire department responded to a two-alarm structure fire over the weekend that caused minor damage.
Fire Chief Tracy Hoff said the department responded around 9 a.m. to a home in the 3000 block of Main Street after neighbors reported the fire to Central Dispatch.
Hoff said the blaze was intentionally set by a family with mental issues and the person was transported to McLaren Port Huron for evaluation.
The fire originated in a crawl space and expanded to the kitchen before being extinguished. Hoff said around 2,000 gallons of water was used on the fire with firefighters from Deckerville and Sandusky remaining on scene for two hours.
Hoff credited the home not being damaged worse than it was, thanks to neighbors who saw heavy smoke billowing from the home and reported the fire.
Neighbors also saw the family member leaving the home after noticing the smoke.